Negativity has a strange way of taking over our lives and our feelings faster and longer than positivity does. Which is why if you want to fight negativity you have to constantly keep thinking of what's positive about you, your life, your situation, your job, your family, your health, etc. We have so much in this world to be thankful for that we take for granted. I won't say that I am currently in a negative space or mindset but I do need to be a lot more positive than I am.
One of my teachers once said this to me, "You will never solve your problem if you don't start thinking of a solution". Can you tell that he was a maths teacher? I'm going to share with you all, some things that I have been doing to help me be more positive.
One of the first things I do is get rid of the negativity that is surrounding me and you will have to do that also. Whether it is negative influences such as friends, or things that make you feel worse about yourself. If you stalk other people's social media profiles and get sad because your life isn't so glamourous then stop doing that too. Focus on you and how to make you and your life better, and keep in mind that good things take time.
Expressing how you feel is a great way to get rid of negativity but sadly sometimes, when you tell people how you feel it can get misunderstood or blown out of proportion, so what I like to do is write. I find that when I write my feelings down on a piece of paper I feel so much better after, and I don't have to deal with other people's opinions and feelings. If you like drawing or listening to music, then you can do that to help you express yourself. If talking to others is what helps you then do that, but always remember that there are some people that want to help you, while there are others that only want to hear about your business.
If you're a believer in Christ like I am, you would know that nothing is impossible with God. God did not put us on this earth to be sad for the rest of our lives. As a believer what I like to do when I'm in a negative mindset, is go to YouTube and listen to Joel Osteen sermons, because Mr. Osteen knows how to put me in a positive mood. When I was going to college that was one of the things I did every morning was listen to Joel Osteen sermons which helped stop me from giving a few of my lecturers, lecturing tips.
Believe it or not, there are people on this earth with the intention of purposely breaking you down. Whether it's someone that is making your life difficult at home, at work, at school, or someone who just doesn't like you for no reason. You can't give them that power to break you down, which is why you have to make it seem like whatever they are doing to you or, the way that they feel about you doesn't affect you. Practice a good "I'm mad or sad but you can't tell face", smiling always helps, even if it's a fake smile.
That is just a few of the things that I do to help keep me more positive. Thank you all for reading and I hope that some of my tips help you all out.
Please comment down below if you have any questions or message me on snapchat @brittneyslu, if you would like to have a conversation.